- Almada -

Quinta dos Espadeiros

The history of Quinta dos Espadeiros dates back to the 17th century. The toponym «Espadeiros» may be related to a sword maker or a grape variety, but it is likely linked to the Espartários, the Knights of the Order of Saint James of the Sword.

The oldest description of the farm dates back to 1628, recorded in the Tombo das Igrejas de Almada, mentioning the improvements made by Manuel Vaz Rebelo, such as houses, stables, bread oven, wine cellar and wine press, as well as an orchard, olive grove and vineyards.

In 1920, the property was acquired by Dr. António Resende Elvas, a prominent clinician from Almada, founder of Clínica Dr. Elvas, currently Hospital Particular de Almada. The farm then passed to his descendants, including the current owners.

At Quinta dos Espadeiros, KoiPark operated, led by Dr. José Elvas, who excelled in fish farming, especially Koi carp, symbols of love and longevity, which are a unique element of this space.

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